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Issksinima’tstohksinn is about co-evolving responsibilities for the Niipaitapiiwahsin way of life. It encompasses all forms of education including grade school, Pómmakssin (becoming responsible for keeping a bundle), becoming responsible for conducting ceremony, becoming responsible for teaching certain knowledge. It occurs when a mother teaches a child to make a meal, when a brother teaches a game, or when the land provides experiences for observing its constant changes. Teaching, learning, and knowing are always contextual and inseparable. "Niitap Ototamapiwa Issksinnimatstohksinni - Education is of great importance" (Bastien, 2004, p. 211)

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Please cite this article as:
Francis, K., & Davis, B., Elliott, M., Staahtsisttayaaki Fox, G. A. (2022) “Issksinima’tstohksinn" (Blackfoot). in Metaphors of Learning in Different Languages.

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