Root Metaphor
علم (eilm) – realization of truth, light of GodIllustrative Example of Root Metaphor

علم (eilm) linguistically means the realization, perception الادراك (aladirak) of a thing as it is, which is certain truth الحقيقة (alhaqiqa) and knowledge المعرفة, (almaerifatu) and science العلم (aleilm) technically means a set of facts, facts, theories, and research methods that abound in scientific literature. علم is also known as “the system of accumulated scientific knowledge or it is a set of principles and rules.” that explains some of the phenomena and the relationships between them. علم is also light that God casts into the heart of those he loves. And علم is called a totality of issues and principles of the whole united by one body, such as the science of speech, the science of grammar, the science of the earth, the science of cosmology, and the science of archeology.Common metaphoric phrases
Common phrases about learning
Learning in early age is like engraving on a stone..العلم في الصغر كالنقش على الحجر
Become a scholar or a learner, and don’t become a man in between..اغد عالماً أو متعلماً ، ولا تغد إمعة بين ذلك
And he told me that knowledge is light, and the light of God does not guide the sinner..وأخبرني بأن العلم نور، ونور الله لا يُهدى لعاصٍ
Whoever tasted the darkness of ignorance realized that knowledge is light..من ذاق ظلمة الجهل أدرك أن العلم نور
And knowledge is nothing but light that clears the darkness of blindness… the eye deviates when it is broken..وما العلم إلا النور يجلو دجى العمى، لكن تزيغ العين عند انكساره
Knowledge in the kingdoms has a path like the course of light in the dimensions..إن للعلم في الممالك سيرا مثل سير الضياء في الأبعاد
Knowledge negates all suspicious heads. It is light and with light the darkness is removed..تنتفي بالعلم عن كل الرؤوس الشبهات، إنه نور وبالنور تزال الظلمات
There is no benefit in life without knowledge, and is there any benefit of sight without light?ما في الحياة بغير العلم منفعة، وهل بغير ضياء ينفع البصر؟
Whoever lacks knowledge, his mind will never be in darkness, you see it as the most like what he received with blessings..من يعدم العلم يظلم عقله أبدا تراه أشبه ما تلقاه بالنعم
And wealth is nothing but the richness of knowledge, for it is the light of the boy who clears the darkness of his lack..وليس الغنى إلا غنى العلم إنه لنور الفتى يجلو ظلام افتقاره
Common phrases about the learner
Become a scholar or a learner, and don’t become a man in between..اغد عالماً أو متعلماً ، ولا تغد إمعة بين ذلك
Are the scholars and the ignorant equal in the merits, or are the dark ones like lights?هل يستوي العلماء والجهال في فضل أم الظلماء كالأنوار؟
Common phrases about teaching
Whoever taught me a letter, I would be his slave..من علمني حرفاً كنت له عبداً
Learn and teach what you learned it to people..تعلموا العلم وعلموه الناس
Common phrases about knowledge
Knowledge is the future’s weapon..العلم سلاح المستقبل
If knowledge does not benefit you, it does not harm you..العلم إن لم ينفعك لن يضرك
Seek knowledge from cradle to the grave..اطلب العلم من المهد الى اللحد
Whoever is asked about knowledge and he conceals it will be clothed with a bridle of fire on the Day of Resurrection..مَن كتمَ علمًا سيلجم يومَ القيامةِ بلجامٍ من نارٍ
Knowledge builds houses that have no pillars, and ignorance destroys the house of honor and generosity..العلم يبني بيوتاً لا عماد لها، و الجهل يهدم بيت العز و الكرم
Your capital is your knowledge, and your enemy is your ignorance.
.رأس مالك هو علمك، وعدوك هو جهلك
And say: "My Lord! Increase me in knowledge..وقل رب زدني علماً
Phrases about knowing
O God, I ask You for beneficial knowledge, and I seek refuge in You from knowledge that does not benefit..اللهم إني أسألك علماً نافعاً، وأعوذ بك من علم لا ينفع
Whoever says I am knowledgeable is ignorant..من يقول أنني أعرف فهو جاهل
He does not know his elbow from his socket..لا يعرف كوعه من بوعه
The Arabic word “علم” comes from the word science. It means to realize, to know, to comprehend, to mark, to feel using senses. علم is also light that God casts into the heart of those he loves. The prophet's, Muhfudat's, book1 contains verses of wisdom and advice for teachers with five aspects of the values of education pertaining to faith, science, deeds, morals, and social. According to this book, the five elements are inseparable and complementary to the Islamic teachings. These values reinforce the realization of truth علم.Bibliography
Please cite this article as:
Francis, K., Davis, B. Sabbaghan, S., Zohbie, A. (2021) “Arabic - Learn” in Metaphors of Learning in Different Languages.
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